Saturday, March 12, 2016

Whole Wheat Cinnamon Rolls

Whole Wheat Cinnamon Rolls

This morning I decided to make these whole wheat cinnamon rolls. The picture looked delicious and the blogger said her family thought they tasted better than store bought, so it sounded great to an avid cinnamon roll lover like me. They were easy to make, but they took FOREVER to make. I want to eat ASAP while I'm cooking something, so the time it took to make these made me almost go get donuts at my local donut shop...luckily I persevered and distracted myself with TV so I didn't. Finally they were done and out of the oven. I took a bite and.....ehh. They weren't bad, just not the cinnamon rolls I'm used to. I like my cinnamon rolls fluffy, sweet, and covered with icing. I could live with these not having icing, but it's hard to make whole wheat food "fluffy", so these were just dense little cinnamon rolls. They're not the worst, I'll still eat the rest, but I probably won't make these again. I'm afraid the unhealthy food wins this time.

Sarah's Review 

Ease: 2/5

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