Monday, March 14, 2016

Spinach Greek Yogurt Chicken

Spinach Greek Yogurt Chicken

I decided to merge these two recipes! I couldn't wait to give it a try. It was delicious! Unfortunately, every component (aside from the tomato) was severely overcooked. But I can't be too upset at the cause. I'd overcook all my meals to stare at this face a little longer!
Chicken was tough and I over-reduced the balsamic sauce (AGAIN) and steamed the green beans so long that I ran out of water and burned my pot. AHHH!! And so the green beans tasted burnt. Yuck. But what are ya gonna do. When the baby needs you, you gotta be mom first, chef second! 

You may be wondering why I have that tiny measly slice of tomato on my chicken. I usually split my chicken with my son, and he is not a fan of tomato. I usually do 3/4 the chicken for me, 1/4 for my son and an extra veggie for him in addition to the sides my husband and I eat. I love meat, so I tend to over-indulge. And this is a good way for me to curb my intake. 

This reminded me of Chicken Florentine, but I've never read the recipe for that before, so I'm claiming this as it came directly out of my mind!
 Anyways - Here's my dets!

Mixed together:
3/4 cup plain greek yogurt
1/4 Parmesan
1/2 finely chopped spinach
Pinches to taste: Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder

Spread over chicken breasts, bake at 350 until cooked thoroughly (aka NOT 50mins to an hour for 1 lb total weight for two chicken breasts)

While baking, I made the balsamic sauce. 
1/4 cup Balsamic Vinegar
2 tbsp light brown sugar
A couple splashes organic chicken stock (and then a couple more splashes to deglaze the pot when I over-reduced)

 Pull out the chicken, place slice of tomato on top, broil a few minutes, then top with the sauce. 

Alana's Review:

Ease: 4/5
Taste: 4/5 (would be 5/5 if I had cooked the chicken correctly)
Comments: Don't overcook the food. =)

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