Thursday, February 18, 2016

Balsamic Chicken with Cheddar Broccoli Quinoa

Balsamic Chicken with Cheddar Broccoli Quinoa, dinner

I had saved some balsamic chicken from the other night and froze it. I ended up using it sooner than I expected. I let it thaw in the fridge then shredded it and threw it in a skillet with chicken stock and vegetable stock. I threw in a splash of balsamic vinegar and a pinch of pepper and salt. I tasted it after it had cooked and it was a little too "zesty" for me, so I put in about a tbsp of honey and that made it perfect. The Cheddar Broccoli Quinoa was exactly that, quinoa (cooked with the two stocks mentioned above), cheddar, and broccoli.

Alana's Review

Ease: 5/5
Taste: 5/5
Comment: AMAZING. I had never tried quinoa before and I am always very skeptical of new foods, but this was such a great surprise. Even my husband commented that it was good. We were not healthy eaters (previously) so this was definitely a win. No suggested changes!

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