
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Leftover Love

Leftover Love

So I came up with this great idea... have you ever had just one item left over after dinner? So it's like, what am I going to do with 1/4 cup of green beans? I have a solution... I have a "rolling" left overs container in my freezer. Obviously, some things can't go together, but for the most part, after the said left over item cools I just dump it in. Then when the container is full, it's time to wait. Wait until, you're in a rush and half tempted to grab some easy fast food. Boom, this is already waiting to save the day!

This particular potluck is: teriyaki chicken, cheesy quinoa, corn, Italian style green beans, and broccoli tots. I wouldn't say it was friggin amazing, bc it wasn't haha (let's be real). It was tasty enough though! And much better than eating bad for you food. Win-win! 

Alana's Review 

Ease: 5/5 (it literally cannot get easier than this)
Taste: varies (mine described above 3/5)
Comments: pepper, everything can use more pepper

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